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Unveiling of War Memorial

David Lloyd

Milton on Stour War Memorial Unveiling 1920

The Western Gazette of 16 April 1920 reported the unveiling of Milton War Memorial.

A picturesque ceremony took place at Milton on Saturday [10 April], when the war memorial cross was opened by Lieut-Colonel Bell. A subscribers’ meeting was followed by the opening ceremony when Mr H Kaines, for the subscribers, asked Colonel Bell to accept the memorial in memory of the fallen.

In a very appropriate speech Colonel Bell referred to the valour of the men who lost their lives that they might live in that glorious country.

(photo by Holmes of Mere: Left - H. Kaines, centre - Lt.Col. Bell, right - Canon Abbott)

Canon Abbot then said prayers and dedicated the memorial to the fallen. A magnificent laurel wreath from the subscribers, and a large number of others from relations and friends had previously been placed on the base of the cross.

Those present included:- Colonel and Mrs Erskine, Mr & Mrs L B Matthews, Mr & Mrs and Miss Kaines, Mr & Mrs Hunt, Mr & Mrs Wedlake, Mr & Mrs Honeyfield, Mr & Mrs Balch, Mr & Mrs Balch, Mr & Mrs Knapton, Mr & Mrs S Braddick, Miss Butler and others.



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Address: Chantry Fields, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4UA


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